International Lecture Series

Kristu Jayanti School of Management provides its management students with an opportunity to learn and grow with new perspectives on global issues through its International Lecture series program. It provides the students with an opportunity to meet a myriad of personalities who are well versed and have a vast array of experience across the globe. International lecture series is a platform to bridge the gap between the academia and the global business. ILS lectures have resulted in tremendous in the mindset of the students by giving a global perspective.

ILS has witnessed a series of speakers globally over the years from the fields of International Banking, Customer Experience Management, International Trade Practices to name a few. ILS also provides an opportunity for the MBA students to interact with global business leaders and academicians. These interactions have risen the knowledge horizon of the students.

International Lecture Series on Future of Analytics
An International Lecture Series was organized by the School of Management of Kristu Jayanti college (Autonomous) on 17th November 2021 on the college campus on the topic ‘Future of Analytics’ Dr. Clare Walsh, Head of Education, Institute of Analytics, Ms. Rosie Sweeney, Head of Memberships, Institute of Analytics, Dr. Rajesh Ponia, Manager, Partnerships, ISDC, Mr. Shone Babu, Head of Partnerships, ISDC were the members on the delegation. Dr. Aloysius Edward, Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Management, Dr. M K Baby, Head, School of Management and Dr. D Ravindran, Faculty, School of Management, Faculty and the I MBA students from the B – School were present at the Lecture.

After a brief introduction of the speakers, Dr. Clare Walsh and Ms. Rosie Sweeney took over the session one after another. Dr. Clare Walsh explained the framework and applications of Data Analytics and AI X in the Industry. She stated that students must learn data analysis skills and business skills and dwell more into business intelligence, data analytics and information technology as the future of Industry depended on a good understanding of these areas. She explained the development in AI X and shared about the research and development taking place in this area of analytics. Ms. Rosie Sweeney continued further by urging students to focus on systems development, multiplicity of value systems and the increasing additions that AI X can make to the Data Analytics world.

Following the lecture by the two speakers, a Question and Answer session allowed students to clarify doubts and get questions answered on the future scope, job creation and trends to look out for in the field of Analytics. The speakers answers each of the queries patiently to the satisfaction of the audience. The two speakers were felicitated by the School of Management followed by a Photo session with the delegation.

International Lecture Series on ‘Europe, The Migration crisis’
An International Lecture Series on ‘Europe, The Migration crisis’ was organized by the Department of History and the School of Management of Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous) in association with NIAS Europe Studies, Science Technology and International Relations, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bengaluru, on 07 December 2021. Mr. Achim Burkart, Consul General at the Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany in Bangalore delivered the lecture to an audience comprising of students, faculty and research scholars from both institutions. The Consul General was received by Dr. Augustine George, Principal of Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous). Prof. D Suba Chandran, Professor & Dean, School of Conflict and Security Studies, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Dr. M.K Baby, Head, School of Management, Prof. Ramya B, Head, Department of History and Prof. Stephen Deepak, Coordinator, Office of International and Domestic Relations were present at the lecture.

Mr. Achim Burkart in his lecture described the role of migration to the European Union and to Germany in particular. He shared statistics of the migration numbers over the years, countries from which migration was taking place. He narrated how for many European countries migration was a blessing than a crisis as resident labour shortages were replaced by migrant workers. He concluded that a positive perception among the countries was required to channelize the opportunity for greater good.

A Question and Answer session followed up after the lecture, the consul General patiently answered them with additional inputs and examples. Prof. Stephen Deepak, Coordinator, Office of International and Domestic Relations and Ms. Harini Madhusudan, Doctoral Fellow, NIAS delivered a vote of thanks to the Consul General and offered their thanks to the management of NIAS and Kristu Jayanti College. The International Lecture Series ended with a soulful rendition of the National Anthems of Germany and India.

ILS - Issues related with Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics
Date: 19-12-2019
Classes Attended & Number of beneficiaries: I Year MBA, Sec A & B-91.
Name and details of the Resource Person: Dr Prasad Padmanabhan Ph. D, Professor of Finance, St. Mary’s University, USA.
Objective: To learn the various issues faced by the companies in their Corporate Social Responsibility activities.

International Lecture Series is an initiative which paves way for an informative interaction between eminent personalities from abroad and students of School of Management, Kristu Jayanti College. The topic for the ILS was “Issues related with Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics”. Dr. Padmanabhan along with Dr. M K Baby, Head, School of Management reached the venue at 11 am. The programme began with a prayer song by the School choir team.

The welcome address was given by the student coordinator Ms. Sai Praneetha. Student coordinator Mr. Jacob Subhash introduced the guest to the audience. Dr Padmanabhan began his lecture citing the recent issues that the companies face in field of Corporate Social Responsibility. He illustrated it with many case studies on the problems faced by various US companies. He also described some of the personal dilemma that he had faced during his tenure in various companies that he worked abroad. After the lecture there was Q & A session for the students where the students asked their queries about the recent issues that many companies face in the field of CSR. The programme came to conclusion with the Vote of Thanks given by student coordinator, Mr Sijo Varghese. The chief guest was facilitated with a memento by Dr. M K Baby. The School choir sung the college anthem and the programme came to a conclusion as the dignitaries left around 12 pm- Jacob Subhash, I Year MBA.

ILS - International Trades and practices
Date: 24-09-2019
Classes attended & number of beneficiaries: I Year MBA - 93 students
Name and details of the Resource Person: Dr. Martin Meznar, Associate Dean of Appalachian State University, USA
Objectives: To understand the different international trades and practices and know their importance.

Kristu Jayanti School of Management organized an international lecture series on 24th September 2019 for the first year MBA students of batch 2019-21. Dr. Martin Meznar, Associate Dean of Appalachian State University, USA was the guest speaker. The session prioritized on the International Trade and practices. Mr. Jebin R, Student coordinator welcomed the gathering and Ms. Sony Jose, Student Coordinator introduced the chief guest to the audience. Dr. Aloysius Edward, Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Management welcomed the guest with a bouquet of flowers. Dr. Martin commenced his speech with the topics like goods, services, capital, balance of payments, current account, capital account etc. He introduced the concept of trade wars as countries are imposing tariffs or taxes on imported goods. It leads to a tradeoff.

Dr. Martin highlighted the point of trade war between the countries. To avoid taxes the countries produce products in their own countries. He explained it with an example of Britain’s raincoat and wine from France. He further stated that exports lead to cash flow to the country and imports leads to cash flow out of the country and it is a positive sum game where everyone is in a win-win situation.

Dr. Martin stated that when trade increases, the standard of living also increases and was presented with a graph. By 2017-18 global trade levels dropped showing that many countries started producing on their own. He further explained how the MNCs, consumers, workers etc. are better off with trade when the less developed countries opened to globalization. Trade policies benefited the consumers, big corporations, workers, environment, small, local business etc. He also discussed the issues of national borders which led to migration, competition, global problems and environmental issues. The session also had a Q & A interaction. Ms. Parvathy, Student Coordinator, proposed the vote of thanks. Ms. Olivia Pinto, the MC of the ILS concluded the session by requesting the college choir to sing the college anthem.

ILS - Current International Environment, Challenges and Opportunities
Date: 12 -09-2019
Classes attended & number of beneficiaries: I Year MBA – 93 students
Name and details of the resource persons:
1. Mr. Philip Laird, Vice Provost Trinity Western University
2. Mr. Jonathan Michael, Catalyst Extraordinaire, Sr. level iii Birkman Coach, adjunct faculty at Trinity Western University
Objective: To help the students to understand the current issues and affairs of business.

International Lecture Series welcomes experts, visionaries and skilled professional from across the globe to share ideas and give valuable insight. It helps in building the reasoning ability among the management students. The session was taken by Mr. Philip Laird. The talk started with basic knowledge about the current business environment, the challenges faced by the business, how to tackle with the challenges and at last various upcoming opportunities. The session created a high impact on students about the business environment.

The purpose of this session was to give a brief understanding about the affairs of business globally. Mr. Philip Laird gave a brief explanation about the characteristics of knowledge, demographic picture of knowledge, creative common platforms and diversification. Then he elaborated about the challenges faced by the business in global platform, the technology innovations & disruption and its impact on business. He explained the way technology control the lives of humans and the world and at last he said about opportunities in the global market and how micro innovations makes a huge impact in the business.

In the end a general discussion was held between the speaker and the students. The discussion was quite interesting and lasted for about 20 minutes. The schedule was allotted in perfection, where the students were able to get hold of both the topics and excel in the same within the short time span.

ILS - Japanese Management Strategies
Date: 29-07-2019
Classes Attended: I Year MBA Section A & B – 93
Name and details of the Resource Person: Dr. Justin Paul, Professor, Rollins College, Orlando.
Objective: To know more about the working culture and the strategies used in Japan

School of Management, Kristu Jayanti College, organized an International Lecture Series on the topic Japanese Management Strategies and Insights on July 29, 2019. Dr. Justin Paul, Professor, Rollins College, Orlando, Graduate School of Business, Puerto Rico and a distinguished visiting professor at IIM-Kozhikode was the guest speaker. Dr Paul has also published over 50 research papers, best-selling case studies and books to his credit.

Rev. Fr. Josekutty P. D, Principal, Dr M K Baby, Head, School of Management and Dr Paul, inaugurated the International Lecture. The guest speaker was welcomed and felicitated in a special and traditional manner. Dr Paul, began the session with a quote, “Goals help you to channel your energy to action”. He highlighted the various management strategies adopted by Japan which helped it to become the third largest economy in the world.

He divided his presentation to two parts. In the first part he briefed about the Japanese culture and its political, economic and social framework. He emphasised on Japan’s low unemployment rate of just 5.2% and the creation of Invest Japan Business Centre to promote the FDI. Regarding the social framework, he pointed out that Japan’s aggregate export is more than the import. He also mentioned the strengths and weaknesses of Japan. Moreover, he made us aware about the blooming opportunities in Japan.

In the second part of the presentation Dr. Paul focussed on the Management strategies followed by Japan. He explained in detail a number of business strategies such as group management, quality management, Kaizen, just-in-time system, management by walking around, long-term commitment, creative thinking and 5s philosophy. The need of ‘kaizen’ which means ‘improvement’ and 5s philosophy in India was briefed upon. Dr. Paul also enlightened the students by telling that hardwork, teamwork and strategic planning are the most important factors which will help graduates to achieve their goal.The International Lecture was concluded with an interactive Q & A session.

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