Faculty Development Programme

Faculty Development Programme (FDP) helps faculties to gain knowledge on the recent developments in their chosen field. Kristu Jayanti School of Management organizes two faculty development programmes in every academic year to enrich the faculties and to give an opportunity for them to keep updated. The FDP is organized at the national level, witnessing participants from various colleges and institutions across the country. Various research scholars and industry professionals have benefited apart from the faculties from various institutions. Every FDP at Kristu Jayanti School of Management is conducted for two days. The recently concluded FDPs were on Capital Market Dynamics and Multivariate Data Analysis for Advanced Management Research.

National Level FDP on Data Analytics Using R
The School of Management organised the Seven Days National Level Faculty Development Programme on the theme “Data Analytics using R” from 12th to 19th February 2022 through the zoom platform. The inauguration and session 1 started at 5.30 pm on February 12, 2022. Dr. M K Baby, Head, School of Management gave an introduction to FDP. The resource person for the FDP was Dr. Sripriya T P, Assistant Professor, School of Management, Kristu Jayanti College, Autonomous, Bengaluru.

Session I: Introduction to R
Session 1 started with an introduction to data analytics using R. The resource person discussed how data analytics changing in the workspace, also discussed the application of data analytics. There was a great discussion about Analytics transforming business today. In addition, introduction to the R interface, how to install the software, and explained the working environment in RStudio.

Session II: Data Visualization in R
Session 2 started with the importance of data visualization and the uses of data visualization. The resource person explained various graphical representations of data such as bar chart, pie chart, line plot, scatter plot, boxplot, etc. with real-time examples and their uses.

Session III: Statistical Tests in R
Session 3 started with an introduction to statistical tests and when to use which statistical tests. The resource person explained different statistical tests for large samples and small samples namely t-test, z-test, matched pair test, ANOVA, etc. In addition, a discussion was made on non-parametric tests like the signed-rank test, U-test, etc.

Session IV: Modelling in R
The fourth session started with discussing the importance of modeling the data, benefits of modelling, and application with real-time datasets. Modelling using R started with understanding the concepts of correlation and regression and the resource person explained different regression models starting from simple linear regression model to logistic regression model.

Session V: Classification and Clustering
Session 5 started with the introduction to machine learning and the concept of classification and clustering techniques. The resource person discussed the clear picture of the classification technique and its application to a real-time dataset using R. Then the session ended with explaining the concept of clustering and discussed the application of k-means, hierarchical clustering techniques with real-time datasets in R.

Session VI: Deep Learning
The session started with a basic understanding of deep learning techniques. A discussion was made with Neural Network, Convolutional Neural Network, and Recurrent Neural Network model with its application to big data.

Session VII: Application in Finance, Marketing, and HR
The session started at 5.30 pm on 19th February 2022 with the application of data analytics in the Finance, Marketing, and HR fields of management. The discussion started by considering the real-time stock market data, marketing data, and Human resource data, and the resource person clearly explained how to process the data for analysis by adopting data pre-processing techniques such as missing value imputation, outlier removal, identifying the nature of the data distribution. Then the session proceeded with analyzing the data using suitable tests, and by fitting the predictive model. The session ended with discussing the problems faced while data analysis, challenges in data analytics especially using R.

Data Analytics with SPSS
Date: 22nd March 2021 to 29th March 2021

School of Management and Research Centre in Management, Kristu Jayanti College organised a week long Online FDP on Data Analytics with SPSS from March 22, 2021 to March 29, 2021. Scholarly and research spaces are ever expanding and with the introduction of the New Educational Policy, the pool of industry professionals, faculty members and research scholars are liable to address and adapt to these developing expectations in research. It is strongly believed that, research and development are an essential element, not only in academic institutions but in industries as well. Thus, this FDP is organized with an intention to motivate and offer a platform for industry professionals, faculty members and research scholars to learn and share knowledge about Data Analytics. It focuses on Data Analytics Tools in the domain of Social Science. The purpose of this FDP is to enable participants to understand various Data Analytics Tools which can be effectively applied in their academic and industrial research. We hope that the outcome would lead to significant contribution to the knowledge base.

The first session of the FDP was on the topic, ‘Introduction to Data Analytics. Problem Identification & Designing, Introduction to SPSS, Exploring Data’ handled by Dr. Justin Nelson Michael, Director, Centre for Research, Kristu Jayanti College. Dr. Nelson commenced his session with a brief introduction to SPSS and how it assists a researcher to analyse and present the findings of a study. The second session of the FDP was on the topic, ‘Literature Review (Use of literature review, Steps in conducting a literature review, Elements of literature review, Searching computerized databases), Measurement and Scaling, Questionnaire Development’ handled by Dr. Ravindran D, Faculty, School of Management, Kristu Jayanti College.

Dr. Gita P C, Faculty Coordinator of the FDP chaired the third session on the topic, ‘Comparing Two Means; Comparing Several Means: ANOVA, Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA), Factorial ANOVA, Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA). From the third session onwards, the FDP was hands on training for the participants in SPSS. The datasheets and reading materials were also provided through the whatsapp group. Dr. Sheeja Krishnakumar, Faculty, School of Management handled the fourth session on the topic, ‘Predictive Analytics: Correlation and Linear Regression Modeling, Logistic Regression Modeling’.

The fifth session of the FDP was on the topic, ‘Non-Parametric Tests - Rank-Sum Test and Mann-Whitney Test, The Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test, The Kruskal-Wallis Test, Friedman’s ANOVA’ handled by Dr. Gita P C. The sixth session of the FDP was chaired by Dr. Joseph Charles D, Faculty, School of Management on the topic, ‘Exploratory Factor Analysis’ and ‘Cluster Analysis’.

The final session of the FDP was on the topic, ‘Discriminant Analysis & Academic writing and Paper publication’ chaired by Dr. Baba Gnanakumar, Director, Centre for Consultancy and Corporate training, Kristu Jayanti College. The seven day FDP was conducted virtually through the Zoom cloud meetings platform. The FDP witnessed 30 participants across the country and was a grand success.

Risk Management Using Derivatives
Date: 26th May 2020 to 02nd June 2020

School of Management, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru organized the fourth Online Faculty Development Programme on Risk Management Using Derivatives on May 26, 2020 to June 02, 2020. Dr. Aloysius Edward, Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Management, Kristu Jayanti College, Dr. S. S. S Kumar, Professor, IIM Kozhikode and Dr. M K Baby, Head, School of Management, Kristu Jayanti College were the resource persons for the FDP. The FDP has six sessions with topics on Financial Derivatives, Commodity Derivatives, Risk Management Using Derivatives, Valuation of Future, Valuation of Options and Recent trends in Derivative Markets.

This Online FDP witnessed 190 participants from 20 states namely Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Nagaland, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Haryana, Manipur, Assam, West Bengal, Punjab, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Bihar and New Delhi. Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, Professors, Vice Principals, Principals, Administrative Officers, Consultants and Research Scholars were part of the participants’ profile. All the sessions were scheduled in Zoom Cloud Meetings platforms. E-certificates were provided to participants who attended all the sessions of the FDP.

Inclusive Research Methods
Date: 17th June 2020 to 24th June 2020

School of Management, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru organized the fifth Online Faculty Development Programme on Inclusive Research Methods on June 17, 2020 to June 24, 2020. The faculty of School of Management – Dr. Justin Nelson Michael, Dr. Baba Gnanakumar, Dr. Joseph Charles Tamilmaran D, Dr. P C Gita and Dr. G Bala Sendhil Kumar were the Resource persons for the FDP. The FDP had seven sessions on various topics in research.

Session 1 was on June 17, 2020 on the topic Creative Problem Identification and Designing conducted by Dr. Justin Nelson Michael, Professor and Director, Center for Research, Kristu Jayanti College. Session 2 was on June 18, 2020 on the topic ‘Identifying the Research Topic’ by Dr. Gita P. C, Assistant Professor, Kristu Jayanti College. Session 3 was on day 3 on June 19, 2020 on the topic Digital Tools for Collecting Data by Dr. D Joseph Charles Tamilmaran D, Assistant Professor, Kristu Jayanti College.

Session 4 and Session 5 was on Day 4 and 5 on June 20 and 22 respectively on the topics Hypothesis Formulation and Testing I and II by Dr. G Bala Sendhil Kumar, Associate Professor, Kristu Jayanti College. Session 6 was on day 6 on June 23 on the topic Statistical Data Analysis using Spreadsheet by Dr. Joseph Charles. Session 7 was on day 7 on June 24 on the topic Dissemination of Research Outcome by Dr. Baba Gnanakumar, Professor, Kristu Jayanti College.

This Online FDP witnessed 201 participants from 129 institutions, 22 states and 2 countries. Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, Professors, Consultants and Research Scholars were part of the participants’ profile. All the sessions were scheduled in Zoom Cloud Meetings platforms. E-certificates were provided to participants who attended all the sessions of the FDP.

Emerging challenges on B2B Marketing strategies
Date: 18th June 2020 to 25th June 2020

School of Management, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru organized the fourth Online Faculty Development Programme on Emerging Challeneges on B2B marketing strategies on June 18, 2020 to June 25, 2020. Prof Mohan Kuruvilla, Management Consultant, Visiting faculty with vast experience in the field of sales and marketing. The FDP had seven sessions with topics on B2B strategies, Selection of products, services and vendors, Influencing strategies, Customer Acquisition and retention strategies and case study analysis.

Session 1 was on Day 1 on June 18, 2020 on the topic B2B Challenges and Strategies. Prof. Mohan Kuruvilla enumerated the various challenges faced by the B2B marketers and he compared it with the challenges of a retail marketer.

Session 2 was on Day 2 on June 19, 2020 on the topic Section of Products, Services and Vendors. The role of section of right products and services and the vendors and its impact on the success of the marketing efforts were well explained by the Resource person.

Session 3 and Session 4 were on Day 3 and 4 on June 20 and June 22 respectively on the topics Influencing Strategies I and Influencing Strategies II. The art and process of influencing the customers in a B2B setting and the strategies were well explained with lot of real examples and case studies by the resource person. Session 5 and 6 was on Day 5 and 6 on June 23 and 24 respectively on the topics Customer Acquisition and Retention Strategies I and II. The final day session was on June 25, 2020 was dedicated for a beautiful case study analysis and interaction with the resource person.

This Online FDP witnessed 40 participants from 7 states namely Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Assam. Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, Professors, Consultants and Research Scholars were part of the participants’ profile. All the sessions were scheduled in Zoom Cloud Meetings platforms. E-certificates were provided to participants who attended all the sessions of the FDP.

Educational Analytics
Date: 02-05-2020 to 09-05-2020

Today, higher education institutions have data flowing-in from all directions such as online applications, software-based and online classroom exercises, and testing, social media, blogs, and student surveys. This augments the need for going beyond traditional use of technology. Today due to data analytics tools, it has become possible to track the entire student learning pathway based on learning style and capability. This gives rise to possibilities where tweaks can be made according to the pace and skill level of students. Tracking digital content also takes data tracking into a whole new space by providing student engagement metrics and identifying successful and unsuccessful learning content and initiatives. Institutes can now maintain not only academic data, but also capture and analyze data on extracurricular activities such as sports, music which may not be easily possible using traditional systems. Given the technology advancement, almost every kind of data can be captured and stored. Further the cost of capturing, processing and analysis of data has come down significantly. Understanding the patterns and trends in educational data, Kristu Jayanti College is organizing FDP on Education Analytics on May 02, 2020 and May 09, 2020. It is a basic course in understanding the usage of educational data. Dr. Baba Gnanakumar, Professor, School of Management, Kristu Jayanti College was the resource person.

Advanced Data Analysis using Spreadsheet
Date: 02-05-2020 to 09-05-2020

One of the skills in the Industry according to Linkedin is Data Analysis. Data analysis is one of the domains that is growing at a rapid pace. According to a report by The National Association of Software and Service Companies (NASSCOM), the data analytics industry is growing at a staggering 26% CAGR. It is also predicted that by 2025 India will become a global leader in Data analytics. The basic form of data analysis happens on a spreadsheet everywhere, right from your desktop till the board room of the top executives of an organization. Every organization needs employees with skills in analyzing data in spreadsheet. At this juncture, Kristu Jayanti School of Management organized a 5-day online Faculty Development Programme on Advanced Data Analysis using Spreadsheet from May 02, 2020 to May 09, 2020.

Dr. Joseph Charles Tamilmaran. D, Assistant Professor, School of Management, Kristu Jayanti College was the resource person. Data Analysis and visualization using Pivot table, Lookup functions, Whatif analysis and introduction to macros are some of the topics that were dealt with during those five days. One hundred and sixteen participants across the country participated and got benefitted from the faculty development programme. Participants were from the states of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Telengana, Goa, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh.

Inclusive Research Methods
Date: 17-06-2020 to 24-06-2020

School of Management, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru organized the fifth Online Faculty Development Programme on Inclusive Research methods on June 17, 2020 to June 24, 2020. The faculty of School of Management – Dr. Justin Nelson Michael, Dr. Baba Gnanakumar, Dr. Joseph Charles Tamilmaran D, Dr. P C Gita and Dr. G Bala Sendhil Kumar were the Resource persons for the FDP. The FDP had seven sessions on various topics in research.

Session 1 was on June 17, 2020 on the topic Creative Problem Identification and Designing conducted by Dr. Justin Nelson Michael, Professor and Director, Center for Research, Kristu Jayanti College. Session 2 was on June 18, 2020 on the topic ‘Identifying the Research Topic’ by Dr. Gita P. C, Assistant Professor, Kristu Jayanti College. Session 3 was on day 3 on June 19, 2020 on the topic Digital Tools for Collecting Data by Dr. D Joseph Charles Tamilmaran D, Assistant Professor, Kristu Jayanti College.

Session 4 and Session 5 was on Day 4 and 5 on June 20 and 22 respectively on the topics Hypothesis Formulation and Testing I and II by Dr. G Bala Sendhil Kumar, Associate Professor, Kristu Jayanti College. Session 6 was on day 6 on June 23 on the topic Statistical Data Analysis using Spreadsheet by Dr. Joseph Charles. Session 7 was on day 7 on June 24 on the topic Dissemination of Research Outcome by Dr. Baba Gnanakumar, Professor, Kristu Jayanti College.

This Online FDP witnessed 210 participants from 129 institutions, 22 states and 2 countries. Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, Professors, Consultants and Research Scholars were part of the participants’ profile. All the sessions were scheduled in Zoom Cloud Meetings platforms. E-certificates were provided to participants who attended all the sessions of the FDP.

Risk Management Using Derivatives
Date: 26-05-2020 to 02-06-2020

School of Management, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru organized the fourth Online Faculty Development Programme Risk Management Using Derivatives on May 26, 2020 to June 02, 2020. Dr. Aloysius Edward, Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Management, Kristu Jayanti College, Dr. S. S. S Kumar, Professor, IIM Kozhikode and Dr. M K Baby, Head, School of Management, Kristu Jayanti College were the resource persons for the FDP. The FDP has six sessions with topics on Financial Derivatives, Commodity Derivatives, Risk Management Using Derivatives, Valuation of Future, Valuation of Options and Recent trends in Derivative Markets. This Online FDP witnessed 190 participants from 20 states namely Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Nagaland, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Haryana, Manipur, Assam, West Bengal, Punjab, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Bihar and New Delhi. Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, Professors, Vice Principals, Principals, Administrative Officers, Consultants and Research Scholars were part of the participants’ profile. All the sessions were scheduled in Zoom Cloud Meetings platforms. E-certificates were provided to participants who attended all the sessions of the FDP.

Building Optimal Portfolio in the post COVID 19 World
Date: 21-05-2020 to 28-05-2020

School of Management, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru organized an Online Faculty Development Programme on Building Optimal Portfolio in the post COVID 19 World on May 21, 2020 to May 28, 2020. Dr. Aloysius Edward, Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Management, Kristu Jayanti College and Shri. Pandurang Patkar, BFSI Corporate Trainer were the resource person for the FDP. The FDP has six sessions with topics on Dynamism of Securities Markets, Measure of Risk & Return I, Measure of Risk & Return II, Investment Avenues and Optimal Selection, Risk Profiling for Optimization of Return and Construction of Optimum Portfolio.

This Online FDP witnessed 139 participants from 17 states namely Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Goa, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Haryana, Manipur, Punjab, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Delhi. Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, Professors, Vice Principals, Principals, Administrative Officers, Consultants and Research Scholars were part of the participants’ profile. All the sessions were scheduled in Zoom Cloud Meetings platforms. E-certificates were provided to participants who attended all the sessions of the FDP.

Emerging challenges on B2B Marketing strategies
Date: 18-06-2020 to 25-06-2020
Prof. Mohan Kuruvilla, Management Consultant, Visiting faculty, School of Management, Kristu Jayanti College
Objective: To enable professionals and academicians to understand the B2B challenges and successful strategies to ensure organizational success.

School of Management, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru organized the fourth Online Faculty Development Programme Emerging Challeneges on B2B marketing strategies on June 18, 2020 to June 25, 2020. Prof Mohan Kuruvilla, Management Consultant, Visiting faculty with vast experience in the field of sales and marketing. The FDP has seven sessions with topics on B2B strategies, Selection of products, services and vendors, Influencing strategies, Customer Acquisition and retention strategies and case study analysis.

Session 1 was on Day 1 on June 18, 2020 on the topic B2B Challenges and Strategies. Prof. Mohan Kuruvilla enumerated the various challenges faced by the B2B marketers and he compared it with the challenges of a retail marketer.

Session 2 was on Day 2 on June 19, 2020 on the topic Section of Products, Services and Vendors. The role of section of right products and services and the vendors and its impact on the success of the marketing efforts were well explained by the Resource person.

Session 3 and Session 4 were on Day 3 and 4 on June 20 and June 22 respectively on the topics Influencing Strategies I and Influencing Strategies II. The art and process of influencing the customers in a B2B setting and the strategies were well explained with lot of real examples and case studies by the resource person. Session 5 and 6 was on Day 5 and 6 on June 23 and 24 respectively on the topics Customer Acquisition and Retention Strategies I and II. The final day session was on June 25, 2020 was dedicated for a beautiful case study analysis and interaction with the resource person.

This Online FDP witnessed 40 participants from 7 states namely Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Assam. Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, Professors, Consultants and Research Scholars were part of the participants’ profile. All the sessions were scheduled in Zoom Cloud Meetings platforms. E-certificates were provided to participants who attended all the sessions of the FDP.

Title: Capital market dynamics
Date: 15/03/2018 – 06/03/2018
Number of beneficiaries: In-house: 12 External: 11
List of Resource Persons with details: Mr. Kuldeep Thareja - Senior Executive, NISM, SEBI
Mr. Abhay Chopra – SeniorExecutive, NISM, SEBI

Kristu Jayanti School of Management, organized a two day national level Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on March 05 & 06, 2018 on the topic, ‘Capital Market Dynamics’. The B-School organizes FDP in its campus twice an academic year and this is the second FDP this year 2017-18. The speciality of this FDP is that it was organized in collaboration with National Institute of Securities Markets (NiSM), Navi Mumbai, a public trust, established by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), the regulator for securities markets in India.

Mr. Abhay Chopra and Mr. Kuldeep Thareja from NiSM were the resource persons. Almost 20 participants comprising of Academicians, Research Scholars and Industry Professionals from Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Mysore, Kerala etc got benefited from this FDP. Capital Markets, Live Online Trading, PCR, Forex Trading System, Price Channel etc are some of the topics discussed.

Title: Application of Econometric Tools in Business & Management Research
Date: 08/12/2017 – 09/12/-2017
Number of beneficiaries: Inhouse: 7 External : 29
List of Resource Persons with details:
Prof. S. Madheswaran, Professor and Head, Centre for Economic Studies and Policy, Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore 560 072, India
Dr. Aloysius Edward, Dean, Commerce and Management, Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore
Dr. Justin Nelson Michael, Director, Research Center, Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore and
Prof. Jyothi Manoj, Department of Statistics, Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore
Objective: To impart the knowledge of the basic concepts of econometric along with its application in research

The School of Management of Kristu Jayanti College organized a Two- Day Faculty Development Programme on Introduction to Econometrics on 8th and 9th December, 2017. The programme was arranged with the objective of imparting the knowledge of the basic concepts of econometric along with its application in research..

The inaugural ceremony had Dr. S. Madheswaran, Professor and Head, Centre for Economic Studies and Policy, Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore as the chief guest. Dr. S. Madheswaran spoke in his inaugural address the significance of Econometrics in policy formulations. He expressed his concern of the current scenario when majority of the managers are lacking analytical skills. He also appreciated the service that the department and the college is rendering by offering such workshops to researchers and student community.

The first day sessions included - Introduction to gretl software; Importing data, graphs, descriptive statistics – using gretl Handling of Time series data for forecasting, Concept of Random Walk models, Stationarity and Unit Root; theory and practical using software, ARIMA- Box-Jenkins methodology. The second day sessions were on the concepts of Cointegration, Causality, VEC and VAR models Simple and Multiple Linear regression - Residual analysis, Handling Problems of Autocorrelation, Heteroskedasticity and Multicollinearity in Multiple Linear regression, Dummy Independent Variable Regression, Dummy Dependent variable Regression- Logit, Tobit and Probit Models. The programme included practical hands-on sessions on the usage of software- GRETL required for research in the area of management, commerce and economics using econometric tools. All the sessions were handled by in-house resource persons Dr. Aloysius Edward, Dean, Commerce and Management, Dr. Justing Nelson Micheal, Director, Research Center and Prof. Jyothi Manoj, Department of Statistics, Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore

There were 23 participants from various states and 6 in-house participants. The workshop was an enriching experience for the participants.

Title: Multivariate Data analysis for Advanced Management Research
Date: 29/11/2017 – 30/11/-2017
Number of beneficiaries:
List of Resource Persons with details:
Mr. Kasilingam, Associate Professor, Department of Management, Pondicherry University
Objective: To enhance and upgrade the knowledge on Advanced Data Analysis for management research

This FDP conveyed the knowledge related to Multivariate Data Analysis and its implications on managerial decision making to the participants through practical sessions in the lab. Dr. G. Bala Sendhil Kumar, Faculty - School of Management coordinated the programme. Rev. Fr. Augustine George, Vice-Principal, Kristu Jayanti College, Dr. Aloysius Edward, Dean – Faculty of Commerce and Management and Dr. Vijayabaskaran, Head - School of Management presided over the inaugural and valediction sessions.

The first day focused on Multivariate Analysis using SPSS. The second day was advanced analytics techniques like text mining, social media analytics using ‘R’. The two day hands on experience with the expert were really platform to learn and to network with the other participants. The two day FDP witnessed 24 participants especially faculties and research scholars from various institutions.

Kristu Jayanti School of Management, organized a two day national level Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on March 05 & 06, 2018 on the topic, ‘Capital Market Dynamics’. The B-School organizes FDP in its campus twice an academic year and this is the second FDP this year 2017-18. The speciality of this FDP is that it was organized in collaboration with National Institute of Securities Markets (NiSM), Navi Mumbai, a public trust, established by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), the regulator for securities markets in India.

Mr. Abhay Chopra and Mr. Kuldeep Thareja from NiSM were the resource persons. Almost 20 participants comprising of Academicians, Research Scholars and Industry Professionals from Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Mysore, Kerala etc got benefited from this FDP. Capital Markets, Live Online Trading, PCR, Forex Trading System, Price Channel etc are some of the topics discussed.

Capital Market Analytics
Date: 17/02/2017 - 18/02/2017
Number of beneficiaries: In-house: 02 | External: 24
Objective: The objective of this hand on program is to update and enrich the participants on macro economics, fundamental analysis, technical analysis etc.

Faculty development programme on Capital Market Analytics was organised by Kristu Jayanti School of Management in collaboration with National Institute of Securities Markets (NiSM), SEBI on Feb 17 & 18, 2016.The resource persons for the FDP were Prof. K Sukumaran, Dean, National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM), SEBI, Mumbai. Mr. KuldeepThareja, Senior Executive, National Institute of Securities Markets, SEBI Mr. Abhay Chopra, Senior Executive, National Institute of Securities Markets, SEBI.

First day of the programme dealt with Capital Market & Investor Sentiments, Capital market – An overview, and Macro Economic Behaviour. Second day of FDP was dedicated to Fundamental Analysis, Technical Analysis and Financial Planning. Participants from various Management Institutions and Universities across India attended the programme.

Advanced Data Analysis for Research
Date: 29/11/2016 to 30/11/2016
Number of beneficiaries: In-house: 14 | External: 23
List of Resource Persons with details:
1. Dr. R Ravanan, Head Department of Statistics & Dean Research Council, Presidency College, Chennai.
2. Dr. Vinod Kumar Murti, Academic Head – Business Analytics & Financial Services, I Nurture Education Solutions P Ltd, Bangalore.

Objective: The objective of this hand on program is to bring together researchers from both academia and industry, to provideinsight on advanced Data analysis using SPSS and R

The Faculty Development Programme on Advanced Data Analysis for research was organized by Department of Management Studies, Kristu Jayanti College on November 29 & 30, 2016. Participants from both inside and outside the college participated and got benefited.

The first day of the FDP was on Structural Equation Modeling, Multiple Regression in SPSS by Dr. R Ravanan, Head Department of Statistics & Dean Research Council, Presidency College, Chennai

The second day of the FDP Basics of R and data analysis using ‘R’ conducted by Dr. Vinod Kumar Murti, Academic Head – Business Analytics & Financial Services, I Nurture Education Solutions P Ltd, Bangalore. There were totally 37 participants across various institutions of the country. The two day programme gave a hand on working experience and expert insight in SPSS and R using various statistical tools.

Kristu Jayanti School of Management organized a two day Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Multivariate Data Analysis for Advanced Management Research” on 29th & 30th November 2017. The resource person was Dr. R. Kasilingam, Associate Professor, Pondicherry University. This FDP conveyed the knowledge related to Multivariate Data Analysis and its implications on managerial decision making to the participants through practical sessions in the lab. Dr. G. Bala Sendhil Kumar, Faculty - School of Management coordinated the programme. Rev. Fr. Augustine George, Vice-Principal, Kristu Jayanti College, Dr. Aloysius Edward, Dean – Faculty of Commerce and Management and Dr. Vijayabaskaran, Head - School of Management presided over the inaugural and valediction sessions.

The first day focused on Multivariate Analysis using SPSS. The second day was advanced analytics techniques like text mining, social media analytics using ‘R’. The two day hands on experience with the expert were really platform to learn and to network with the other participants. The two day FDP witnessed 24 participants especially faculties and research scholars from various institutions.

FDP on Case writing
Date: 07/11/2015
Number of beneficiaries: In-house: 8
List of Resource Persons with details: Prof Avinash Mulky, IIM-B senior faculty & Professor
Objective: To impart skills to identify, visualize and create case study in various domains of management

The session started with the significance of cases in management teaching. The Resource person emphasized the need for using case studies in teaching concepts, practices, strategies and in kindling the minds of the youth. In his session, he focused on identifying key areas of news, gathering all information related to the news from various sources. He reiterated that this information has to be logically sequenced into a case and the components of the case should unravel the hidden concepts, theory and the practical implication of the same.

FDP on Risk Management using Derivatives
Date: 28/01/2016 – 29/01/2016
Number of beneficiaries: In-house:15
List of Resource Persons with details: Shri Himanshu Gupta, Sr. Research Analyst Karvy Commodities Ltd. Hyderabad;
Shri Sumit Mukherjee, Head-consulting Karvy Commodities Ltd.,

Objective: To educate aspirants about the financial market on a real time basis with special focus on commodities, to learn how to successfully utilize financial derivatives in risk mitigation and to analyse various factors involved in the formulation of market decisions

The School of management organized a two-day FDP on Risk management using derivatives with six brainstorming and informative sessions. In the inaugural ceremony Shri Sushil Sinha, Director, Karvy Forex Ltd shared his experiences in the commodity market and emphasized on the necessity of trading. He appreciated the efforts of the Department in organizing this FDP.

In the technical session I _ III Mr Sumit Mukherjee, discussed moving average, relative strength index, Dow theory, Golden ratio etc which was very essential and live trading giving the participants the feel of market conditions.

On the Second day Mt Himanshu Gupta, explained the growth rate of derivatives in India, the theory behind it , followed by a hands on session using a lab to show the live trading. It was a great learning experience with the resource person giving individual attention to each participant

FDP on Data Analysis for Social Sciences (DASS)
Date: 03/02/2016 – 05/02/2016
Number of beneficiaries: In-house:30
List of Resource Persons with details: Dr. Anandakuttan B. Unnithan, Professor, Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode
Dr. N. Vivek, Professor, PSG Institute of Management, Coimbatore

Objective: To alleviate the difficulty of researchers in carrying out the data analysis for publication and dissertation in the domain of social sciences and management

At the inaugural ceremony of the 3-day FDP, Prof K S James, Acting Director, ISEC, Bangalore, Rev Fr Josekutty P D, Principal, Kristu Jayanti College, and Dr Justin Nelson Michael were present along with the participants. In the Inaugural address, Prof James emphasized on the necessity of a social scientist to be aware of analytic/ research tools to improve the quality of research. He appreciated the efforts taken by the department in organizing this FDP

The first session took a journey right into the quintessential of research, introduction to SPSS, data entry and various functions and manipulations of variables. The session explored various visualization tools such as 3D Plots, matrix scatter plot etc. In the second session, topics such as development, interpretation and validation of predictive models – multivariate regression models were covered. The sessions were handled by Dr Justin Nelson Michael & Jyothi Manoj, Faculty members , Kristu Jayanti College.

On the Second day, Dr Anandkuttan B Unnithan handled high advanced statistical tools such as factor analysis, cluster analysis, classification and logistic regression. The real examples wiped out the monotony of analytics.

On the Third day Dr N Vivek, equipped the participants with knowledge of Structural equation modelling. The session started with the theoretical framework of SEM which explained the nuances of path analysis and SEM. This was followed by a hands on session on AMOS software.

During the valedictory ceremony Rev Fr Josekutty, Principal, Kristu Jayanti College, appreciated the organizers and all the participants for the successful conduct of the FDP

Econometrics for Business Research
Date: 11/03/2016 – 12/03/2016
Number of beneficiaries: In-house:33
List of Resource Persons with details: Dr.Sanjay Rastogi, Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Foregin Trade(IIFT),New Delhi;
Dr.Ajay Kumar Chauhan, Area chair-Finance, Institute of Management Technology(IMT), Ghaziabad,UP

Objective: To impart knowledge on econometrics for Business research and to promote the lvel of financial modelling in the area of econometrics

The hands-on technical session on the first day of the FDP was handled by Prof Sanjay Rastogi. He commenced with the basic input on bivariate regression, interpretation of regression coefficients and goodness of the model. He led the group of research enthusiasts into multiple regression models with all the necessary assumptions of autocorrelation, heteroscedasticity and multicollinearity. Apt case studies were solved to enable the participants to understand the basis of multivariate analysis using econometrics. The sessions later moved on to develop the model using case studies. The study ended with an in depth discussion on dummy variable regression

The second day was totally dedicated to time series analysis. The resource person was Prof Ajay Kumar Chauhan, Associate professor, IMt, Ghaziabad. The day began with an understanding of the features of time series using simulation. The participants were helped in practically removing trend, managing autocorrelation, removing unit root, assessing causality, establishing stationarity of aseroes etc. Various types of transformations to make a series stationary were practically discussed. The resource person later led the participants into forecasting using ARIMA models and multivariate causality. The FDP witnessed the intellectual confluence of 33 research enthusiasts from 25 institutions hailing from 6 states in the country

Admission 2025: Next Online Counselling will be held on 15th March, 2025 Apply Online
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Kristu Jayanti School of Management
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