International Exposure

Every year a group of students are taken to international industry visit to various countries across the globe. The main objective of this trip is to expose the students to international culture and business environment. The programme spans across the following three areas:
1) Students visit the partnering international universities and undergo a short term course on International Business and Financial Management.
2) Students are taken to industrial visits oversees
3) Students are also taken to different historic and business centers to experience the global culture and the global village
Students in the past have visited Singapore, Malaysia, Srilanka, Germany, Spain and France.

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Admission 2024: Candidates can apply online Counselling date will be notified through email. Apply Online

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Kristu Jyanti Schhol of Management
© 2024 Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), K Narayanapura, Kothannur, Bangaluru-560077, Karnataka.